Science and technology have astonished the common man in every field with its inventions and discoveries, and the culinary field is no exception, what with the 3D food printer in the offing, which shows that technology has no bounds in easing the work of an individual in cooking. It will not be a surprise if this 3D printer joins hands with the blender, microwave, induction stove etc. in your kitchen in the near future. As we all know, 3D printing has taken great strides in many areas like the textile industry, medical field etc., and now it is trying to take over the food industry too. Come on readers; let us have a look at this new revolution in technology.
Now, what is 3D food printer? Imagine getting edible food items from a printer! Well! That is what 3D food printer is all about! With the help of computer software this printer creates intricately designed vast array of food stuff, from fresh ingredients stored in steel capsules.
How does it work? Most 3D food printers are deposition printers which create food stuff by depositing food filaments layer by layer. This kind of manufacturing of food items is called additive manufacturing. Some of these printers are called binding printers which binds the layers together by an adhesive.
Currently these printers are being used to make Pancakes in Netherlands and they have been a hit amongst senior citizens living in nursing homes in Germany as the food generated, excels in nutritional composition and texture.
Some of the food printers available for consumers are Pancakebot, Foodini, Focus, Bocusini and Choc creator.
Now let us have a quick look at the pros and cons of 3D printer:
· A lot of unimaginable articulate designs can be expected from a food printer.
· Customized diets according to one’s personal needs can easily be prepared.
· Just as a washing machine can save time in washing clothes, the food printer has come as a boon in saving cooking time.
· Nutritional requirements in your food can easily be adjusted.
· It can address to malnutrition crisis easily as customized food can easily be prepared according to one’s dietary needs.
· Can help keeping diabetes, heart diseases and obesity under check.
· The taste and texture of food can easily be enhanced from not so delicious raw ingredients.
· It is perfectly safe to consume the food from these printers as it is made from natural and fresh ingredients.
· 3D food printing for huge gatherings is time consuming.
· It might be difficult in maintaining the 3D food printer’s cleanliness thus posing a health hazard.
· Another major disadvantage is its cost. 3D food printers are really very expensive. They may range anything from $300 to $10,000.
· It poses a danger of snatching away the fun of cooking.
Though there are cons to every emerging technology, science is always to be appreciated for its gifts to mankind. As the 3D printer is still in its initial stages of development, it has a long way to go in creating its culinary stamp. Let us wait and watch what this new technology has in store for us in the years to come!
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